Ayesha Elizabeth Ghaoul (born. 1994, GB)
based in Copenhagen, Denmark
2025 Residency program, Capacete, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2023 MFA (School of conceptual and contextual practices), Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, DK
2018 BFA Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
Selected exhibitions:
Active imagination, Baerum Kunsthall, Fornebu, Norway
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, Ten Haaf Projects, Group show with Peer Vink (NL), Koos Devries (NL) Jim Mooijekind (NL), Joost Elschot (BE), Noa Verkeyn (BE), Darius Airo (US), Amsterdam, Netherlands
Årgang, Det Fynske Kunstakademi, Odense; Art Herning, Herning; Augustiana Kunstpark & Kunsthal, Augustiana, Denmark
Who owns the air? Duo exhibition with David Noro (DK), contribution by Carmel Alabassi (PS) Patara Gallery, Tbilisi, Georgia
Årgang, Møstings Hus, Copenhagen, Denmark
Fountains without water, W139, Group show with: Elena Giolo (BE), Peer Vink (NL), Milena Anna Bouma (NL), À. Birna Björnsdóttir (IS), Janina Fritz (DE), Laura Cahna Malpique (PT), Juan Guerrero (ES), Amsterdam, Netherlands
Afgang, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
Boulevard des immobiles, Duo show with: Elias Njima, Galleri Kant, Copenhagen, Denmark
Efterårsudstilling, Den Frie, Copenhagen, Denmark
Act 2, Ombrella, Group show with: Daniel Cabrillos Jacobsen (DK), Maxime Favre (CH), Helene Norup Due (DK), Sam Hersbach (NL), Andrew Joseph Long (US), Dionysios Argyropoulos Ioannou (GR), Copenhagen, Denmark
A case study of the black sea, The school of kindness, Varna, Bulgaria,
Amazing Nature, Kunstcentret Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg, Denmark
Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee, Belgium
Statens Varksteder for Kunst, Statens Kunstfond, Culture Moves Europe, Gottfred og Gerda Eickhoffs Fond, Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond, Direktør J. P. Lund og hustru Vilhelmine Bugges Legat
2023: Statens Kunstfond, Ebba Celinders Legat,
Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond